Expat Assure recently launched additional services, and is now able to offer expat income protection and expat life insurance. These policies, offering financial protection, can be taken as a standalone policy or in conjunction with one of the health insurance policies already offered by Expat Assure.


assurances décès et garantie de revenu pour expatriés expat life insurance and income protection

This step forward is a natural progression, following the increased awareness of the importance of financial protection among the general public, as people seek to ensure all aspects of their lives are well protected. While expatriates often make certain that they are well covered for their medical expenses, income protection and life insurance is a topic which in the past was regularly ignored. However, a medical insurance does not offer you or your family any financial protection in the event of a bereavement or if you have to stop working due to an illness or an accident. Additionally, when working abroad, the social security system of your country of expatriation may not offer a good level of social protection; therefore an international financial protection policy can be indispensable.

Questions that we are being increasingly asked are “What happens if I have an accident and can no longer work?” or “If I develop a serious illness and can no longer provide for my family?” Or worse, “What would my family’s financial situation be if I died?”

While having taken the correct financial precautions does not detract from the pain such an event causes, they can help alleviate financial burdens and obligations. However, regrettably, it is often the case that we realise the importance of financial protection when it is too late.

The two kinds of financial protection offered by Expat Assure provide a certain level of security for both you and your family. The life insurance plans offered are designed to pay out a fixed amount to your dependants should you pass away. The income protection plans are designed to pay you a monthly sum to help replace your salary should you no longer be able to work due to an accident or illness.

It is a widely believed misconception that life insurance is more important than income protection, yet, according to the British Office for National Statistics, you are twenty-six times more likely to be unable to work than you are to pass away before the age of 65. Thus, it is vital to be aware that while life insurance policies are important, as they offer your family financial protection in the event of bereavement, income protection plans are equally, or even more, important when it comes to long-term financial protection.

As well as international policies, which are necessary in an increasingly mobile society, Expat Assure can also offer local English income protection and life insurance policies for people living in the UK. In the UK, the financial protection market is extremely well developed and local British policies are a lot more advantageous and competitive for local residents than their international counterparts.

“It’s better to look ahead and prepare, than to look back and regret”, Jackie Joyner-Kersee

Raymond Leprêtre, director of Expat Assure, remembers one client in particular: “When I was an independent financial adviser, a client came to see me to set up a life insurance policy. In the end, despite reminding him that “it’s never a good idea to put off till tomorrow what should be done today”, the client decided “I’ll deal with the insurance next year”.

A few months later, he suffered from a stroke and passed away. His wife phoned me in the days that followed to ask if her husband had a life insurance in place. With sadness, but without going into detail, I simply said no.”

The unfortunate fact is that the story above repeats itself much too often in many people’s lives, and highlights the importance of putting in place the correct financial protection as early as possible in order to safeguard your family’s financial situation against unfortunate events.

Why choose Expat Assure to help you with your financial protection?

Expat Assure is an independent broker: we are not affiliated with any one insurance company. We are therefore in a position to compare insurance options from numerous insurance companies and offer impartial advice based on your needs.

Financial protection is not a new phenomenon, and its importance is just as great today as in previous generations. Winston Churchill himself was a great believer and encapsulated its importance : “If I had my way, I would write the word ‘insure’ upon the door of every cottage and upon the blotting book of every public man; because I am convinced, for sacrifices so small, families and estates can be protected against catastrophes which would otherwise smash them up forever”.

At Expat Assure, our aim is help you experience your expatriation with the greatest peace of mind. No one is safe from the threat of illness or bereavement, and for an expat these events could be more difficult to handle abroad than at home. Our aim is to ensure that our clients are well informed about the different types of financial protection, enabling them to thoroughly safeguard their family’s future and offer a peace of mind for their expatriation.

If you would like further information about your options, please submit your details online and one of our consultants will call you to discuss your questions. We are able to offer international financial protection solutions in euros, dollars or sterling. The local English products are only available in sterling.


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